
“Lissa?” Jill tossed her purse in the corner as she walked into the apartment, her dark hair sticking to her forehead in the sweltering heat. She knew that it always irritated Lissa when she left her purse there, but at the moment, Jill wasn’t all that interested in making Lissa happy. “Where the heck have you been?”

Not that Jill was completely furious with her friend. She’d managed to put up with Lissa’s addiction to J-pop and Lissa had coped with Jill’s love of cheesy Lifetime movies; they’d long ago gotten past the point where one or two little irritations could flare up into anything more. Which wasn’t to say that Jill didn’t want a damned good explanation on why Lissa had flaked out on her tonight. “Lissa, are you in here?” she called out as she turned the corner into the living room.

“There you are!” she said with a tinge of exasperation in her voice. Sure enough, Lissa was lounging in the easy chair, stripped down to her underwear and basking in the breeze from the new window fan they’d bought when the air conditioning went out yesterday. “Hey, what’s the deal? I called the apartment twice and your cell three times. Remember? Dinner with the Glimmer Twins tonight, I was counting on you to provide moral support?”

Nothing. Lissa didn’t chuckle at Jill’s pet name for her oh-so-emo brother and his oh-so-emo girlfriend, she didn’t muster a half-hearted defense at how they were Jill’s family, not hers…she didn’t even look in Jill’s direction. She just sat there, staring out the window with a tiny little smile on her face.

“Lissa?” Jill called out again, a little softer and a lot more sympathetically. “Lissa, are you all right?” Jill started to worry a little as she took in the scene fully. Lissa didn’t have her earbuds in; she wasn’t listening to MP3s or anything. She didn’t have the TV on–she hadn’t even turned the lights on in the room. The only light coming in was from the neon sign above the twenty-four hour laundromat across the street. Even if that had been enough light to read by, Lissa didn’t have a book in her hands.

“Lissa, this isn’t funny,” Jill said, approaching her slowly. The closer she got, the more worried she became. Lissa was breathing, at least; Jill could see her chest rising and falling slowly in the dim red light. Her eyes were open, but she didn’t react to Jill at all. Jill saw now that Lissa wasn’t just lounging in the easy chair; she was sprawled bonelessly into it, her whole body utterly limp. Her short blonde hair was matted to her head with sweat, as though she hadn’t changed position in hours.

Jill put a hand on Lissa’s shoulder and shook her gently. Her skin felt slightly cool and clammy to the touch. “Lissa, can you hear me?” she asked. “If you can hear me, say something.”

Already, Jill was thinking ahead to the moment when she’d have to run to the phone and dial 911, but she tried one last time to grab her friend’s attention. “Lissa,” Jill said, grabbing both of her shoulders and pulling her half-way out of the chair to look her in the face, “snap out of it!” She was uncomfortably aware of the tinge of hysteria in her voice.

But thankfully, Lissa did exactly that. She blinked once, twice, then looked at Jill with a slightly dazed expression on her face. “Oh, hi,” she said muzzily, the smile gradually fading from her lips. “I…I didn’t hear you come in.” She shivered, despite the heat, and looked around her in confusion. “Why’s it so dark in here?”

Jill hadn’t even realized just how tense she’d been until that tension snapped. She smacked Lissa on the shoulder and said, “Don’t do that to me! Jeez, I thought you were dead or something.”

“What are you talking about?” Lissa asked, a trace of hoarseness in her voice. “I’m fine, I’m just kind of thirsty, is all.” She stood up, her legs shaking just a tiny bit as she did so. “Really,” she said as she went into the kitchen, “I don’t know what you’re freaking out about. I just kind of zoned out a little, is all. It’s not such a–omigod.” She burst back into the living room. “It’s nine-thirty!” she shouted.

Jill looked at her, still more than a little worried about her best friend. “Um, yeah,” she said. “I was telling you that when I came in. You totally blew off dinner.”

Lissa looked more than a little worried herself, now. “You don’t understand!” she said. “Last I remember, it was a quarter after five! I lost four hours sitting there, Jill.” She pointed at the chair, her finger trembling.

Jill took in the expression on Lissa’s face and remembered the way she’d been sitting there, totally unresponsive to shouting or shaking. It wasn’t hard to believe that she’d been like that all night before Jill walked in. “It’s okay, Lissa,” she said. “Just…calm down, and try to tell me what happened.”

Lissa looked anything but calm. In fact, she was getting more agitated by the moment. “I was…I was getting ready to go,” she said. “I’d just gotten out of the bathroom and I was about to hop in the shower, and I decided to plug in the fan before I left so that the apartment would be a little cooler when we got back.” She looked back at the fan as she walked over to the chair. “And then I decided to sit down for a few seconds and cool off before I took a shower, so I wouldn’t have to use lukewarm water.”

“And I sat down just like this,” she said, returning to her seat. Jill noticed that it was still damp with four hours’ worth of sweat. “And I…felt nice. It was…the crystal…pretty, so…” Lissa trailed off into silence. Jill looked over at her. Once again, Lissa wore the same faint, distant smile on her face, and already her limbs were relaxing into that same utterly limp posture. She let out a tiny sigh as her breathing slowed. Her eyes locked into a vacant stare.

This time, Jill followed it. Lissa was staring out the window, just like before, but now that Jill was paying less attention to Lissa’s condition and more to what might have caused it, she noticed that the little crystal doodad that Lissa had hung from the window back when they’d moved in had caught some of the breeze caused by the fan. It was rotating gently, but very regularly; now that Jill looked, she could see the light from the flickering neon sign refracted through the crystal onto Lissa’s face.

Right into her eyes, in fact. Was that really what was doing it? Was Lissa really that easily distracted by sparkly lights? Jill set aside her own somewhat snarky first answer to that question, and decided to test it. She put her hand between Lissa’s eyes and the crystal.

“…pretty,” Lissa said, her voice sounding slightly vague at first but gaining strength as she talked. “And I guess I just sort of zoned out for a while looking at it and lost track of time.” She smiled sheepishly. “I feel kind of silly getting all worried about it, now that I know what happened. I mean, you made it sound like I was totally out of it, or some…” Jill pulled her hand away from the light. “…thing…” Lissa slumped back down into the chair. The only muscles not totally relaxed were those of her mouth as that tiny, dreamy smile returned.

Giggling, Jill put her hand back in front of the light. “You were totally out of it!” she said, after a brief pause to allow Lissa’s brain to switch back on again. “You were so totally out of it that you didn’t even know how out of it you were! I mean, I don’t want to suggest that you’re easily distracted, but it is kind of sad that you keep forgetting to finish your sentences because you suddenly notice a shiny thing in the middle distance.”

Lissa frowned. “I am not easily distracted!” she said. “I’ll admit, there’s something about the way the light hits that crystal that’s kind of…eye-catching..” In the reddish light from the sign, Jill failed to notice Lissa’s slight blush. “But I wasn’t ‘totally out of it’. You’re just exaggera…ting…”

Jill watched Lissa’s eyes glaze over as she took her hand away from the light again. “Oh, I am, am I?” she asked, knowing full well that Lissa wasn’t going to respond even a little. “Seems like someone needs a little proof!” She started to go look for a marker, but decided that drawing on her helpless friend would be just a little too mean. Instead, she lifted Lissa up slightly, careful not to let her head loll and break eye contact with the crystal, and unsnapped her bra. Pulling it off, she set it on Lissa’s head. After a moment’s contemplation, she yanked Lissa’s panties off as well and dangled them in front of Lissa’s face to break the spell. “I’m sorry,” she said sweetly, “you were saying something about ‘exaggerating’?”

Lissa blushed furiously, but she made sure to turn her head away from the window as she snatched her panties out of Jill’s hand. “Oh, ha ha, very funny,” she said as she got up and took the bra off her head, genuine humiliation in her voice. “I’m going to go get myself some water,” she announced, stalking off into the kitchen.

Jill felt a tiny little twinge of guilt as she watched Lissa walk away, her gait filled with injured pride, but honestly, it wasn’t that big of a deal. It wasn’t like Jill hadn’t seen it all before when clothes shopping with Lissa. Besides, Lissa only had herself to blame. She was the one who got so interested in the pretty lights that she tuned out everything else around her.

What was the big attraction, anyway? Jill was looking at the crystal right now, and she wasn’t drifting off into slumberland. She sat down in the easy chair, tilting her head slightly from side to side as she tried to figure out just what had made Lissa go from fully conversational to zero brainwaves in just over a second.

From this angle, Jill had to admit that the light was a lot more compelling. There was just something so fascinating about the way that each facet gently revealed itself to her eyes, and the way that the red light dazzled her with tiny hints of rainbow along its edges. It felt like it filled up her eyes, like all she could see was a rich, warm crimson enveloping her whole field of view. It was like she was swimming in a warm, red sea, and every slow rotation of the gem revealed a new depth for her to dive into.

Jill felt a dreamy heat settle into her mind as she watched the crystal gently spin in the breeze. She remembered thinking that maybe she should look away soon, before Lissa came back into the room and started trying to claim this as some sort of moral victory, but then the crystal turned and a new facet glinted with fresh light and she only realized looking back that she’d decided to wait just a little bit longer until the light had passed all the way across her eyes. And then, just as she was remembering that decision, the crystal turned again and she decided to wait a little longer still. And then she forgot that she’d ever remembered anything at all.

Because the heat that the light created felt…it felt sensual, somehow. Despite the fact that nobody was touching her, despite the fact that Jill had actually lost track of the physical sensations in her body, Jill felt like something was caressing her. Not noticing her body actually helped, because the light felt like it was touching her deep down in her mind, deeper than anything real could ever touch. Jill wanted to grin from ear to ear as the pleasure built, but that seemed like so much effort when the light was so pretty, so she settled for smiling as much as she could.

And still the pleasure kept coming, saturating her mind with bliss. It was so relentless, the way it never stopped turning, never stopped gleaming, never stopped filling her up with that dazzling, strobing, fascinating glow. Jill didn’t think of herself as sexually inexperienced, but she’d never encountered a lover as utterly consumed with pleasing her as this. She felt a smoldering heat deep within her mind as she came, not even registering the orgasm with her body but feeling that intense starburst of joyous release deep down within her mind. She felt like she could scream, the pleasure was so intense, but she’d ceded total control of her body now as the light took hold of her completely. All she wanted to do was watch and keep watching as the crystal turned yet again and–

Something blotted it out. For an infinitesimal moment, Jill wanted nothing more than to push it away and return to that light, but then she came back to her senses a bit more and recognized how far gone she’d been. Even before Lissa said anything, Jill felt the insistent fullness of her bladder. “You were out for about fifteen minutes, Miss ‘Shiny Thing In the Middle Distance.’”

Jill blushed. “Um…sorry,” she said, standing up. “I…um…I guess it is pretty distracting. I, um…I’ll just be right back, I…”

“Let me guess, you need to pee?” Lissa took a long, vengeful drink of her water, letting tiny rivulets of it spill out around her mouth and run down her chest. “Probably should have gone before you sat down. I tried to tell you, but you were a little too ‘distracted’ by then.” She looked like she had plenty more to say, but Jill couldn’t wait to hear it. She raced to the bathroom as fast as she could while still holding her legs together as tightly as possible.

While she was relieving herself, Jill tried to collect her thoughts. Which started with ‘Wow’, pretty much; if they could somehow bottle and sell that sensation, every sex toy company in the world would be bankrupt within days. She’d never felt anything that good; not with a lover, not by herself. Even now, she wanted to run back in there and let the light carry her away all over again. Jill looked down at her panties, a damp patch very obvious on them as they hung between her ankles, and suddenly understood where Lissa’s embarrassment had come from. And to think, Jill had thought that was sweat…

Lissa–something about what she’d said came back to Jill as she sat there, peeing for what felt like decades. Jill hadn’t had that much to drink at the restaurant, and she’d gone before she left, but here she was feeling like she’d been holding it for years. And Lissa had said something about how she’d told Jill to go to the bathroom while she was out of it. Jill thought back to camp, some of the pranks they played on the other kids when they went to sleep. They’d taken a kid’s hand, and put it in warm water…

Not that this was sleep, exactly. It was a lot better, for one thing. But Lissa’s words had felt oddly familiar to her when she’d come out of it, like she’d heard them but hadn’t really thought about them. Maybe, if she was really as distracted as she’d seemed (and “distracted” was probably a nicer term than “cumming her brains out”), Lissa’s words had kind of bypassed her thoughts and gone straight into the back of her head?

Only one way to find out, Jill thought as she cleaned herself up and got dressed. She’d need a test subject, but she already had a sneaking suspicion that she’d find one as soon as she got back to the living room. If Lissa felt like Jill felt right now, being in the same room with that empty chair would be a practically irresistible temptation.

Sure enough, when Jill got back into the living room, Lissa was sitting in the chair with that same distant smile on her face. Now that she knew what it meant, Jill felt faintly amazed–to think, her best friend had been having the most unbelievable non-stop multiple orgasm of her life, and all Jill saw was a tiny little dreamy grin.

There were a few other signs, now that Jill knew what to look for. She blushed a little as she noticed that Lissa hadn’t even taken the time to put her underwear back on; Lissa’s legs were splayed open in limp abandon as she lost herself in the sparkling depths, and her pussy glistened in the neon light in a way that made it very clear just how turned on Lissa must be right now. This close, Jill could smell Lissa’s juices underneath the scent of their sweat.

Jill looked back up at Lissa’s vacant eyes, trying to get her mind off how good her friend must feel–and how much Jill wanted to feel that good herself. She’d get a turn in the chair later. For now, she had a theory to test. “Lissa,” she said quietly. She didn’t know why she was talking softly. Lissa was chasing the dancing lights; she probably wouldn’t notice if Jill brought a brass band through here. But somehow it felt like the right thing to do.

“Lissa, I want you to listen to me very carefully. When you come back, after I put my hand over your eyes and block out the pretty lights, you’re going to realize that your back itches. No matter how hard you try, you won’t be able to ignore it, and no matter where you scratch, you won’t quite be able to get to it. After a few minutes, you’re going to need to ask me to help you get rid of the itch. As soon as I scratch your back, Lissa, it’ll go away. Do you understand?” Jill felt stupid for asking; whether or not Lissa understood, she wasn’t going to respond. She was too far gone to even twitch at this point.

She waited a second or two anyway, just to make sure Lissa wasn’t going to do anything, then put her hand over Lissa’s eyes. “…aww…” Lissa said as she came back. “No fair! That was only a few minutes!”

“Fifteen,” Jill said, checking her watch. “I was in the bathroom for a long while. Looking at that thing does weird things to your sense of time, remember?”

“Uh-huh,” Lissa responded in a sort of strangled whimper. Did she really think Jill hadn’t picked up on what it was doing to her? “I, um…I suppose you want a turn now,” she said as she stood up on legs that looked like they were still a little bit wobbly.

“Um…” Jill was surprised to realize that she was blushing, and hoped that Lissa didn’t notice in the dim red light from the neon sign. It startled her just how badly she did want to spend some time staring at the pretty sparkling crystal and letting her mind drift away on a tide of liquid pleasure…and how much she wanted “some” to become “lots”. Jill suddenly felt a surge of sympathy for Lissa’s tiny little sigh of dismay when Jill brought her back.

She shook her head a little to clear it, trying to focus her mind on her little experiment. “Um, yeah, that sounds good. Are you okay, though?”

Lissa nodded absently. “I’m fine. Just a little stiff, though. I guess even relaxation wears you out if you do it long enough.” She idly reached around and scratched at the small of her back. Just a tiny, distracted gesture at first, but the look on Lissa’s face told Jill that the itch wasn’t going away.

Jill tried to hide her look of triumph. “You should also probably get some more water in you while I’m having my turn,” she said, working like hell to pretend she didn’t notice Lissa’s squirming and scratching as it got more intense. “And we should probably only do this when both of us are here. Can you imagine what would have happened if I’d been away for the weekend?”

“Oh, I’m sure I’d have…nnnh…have woken up when the sun came up and changed the…grrr…the light coming through the window,” Lissa said, now paying easily as much attention to trying to ease the itch on her back as to the conversation. Jill could probably set up a webcam and sell tickets; not only was Lissa jutting and thrusting her tits out as she reached around with both arms, trying to find the perfect angle to get at the elusive itch, but she alternated that with rubbing her back up against the wall to try to get a little relief. It wasn’t Jill’s thing, but she bet that somebody would want to watch it. ‘BigTittedItchyGirls.Com’, or something.

“Maybe you would, maybe you wouldn’t,” Jill said, trying hard not to smirk at the spectacle. “You said it was a quarter after five when you sat down; that means there was plenty of light coming through the window. Since we don’t know why it’s doing…um, this…let’s be careful to make sure someone can snap us out of it. Okay?”

“Yes,” Lissa snarled. “Fine fine fine! Grrr!” She contorted her arm around awkwardly, trying to get at the spot right between her shoulder blades. “Before you sit down, could you do me a favor? I’ve got an itch right where I can’t scratch it, and it’s driving me nuts!”

“Glad to help,” Jill said lightly. She reached over as Lissa turned around, and barely brushed the tips of her fingers against Lissa’s back. Instantly, Lissa sighed in relief and relaxed. That clinched it for Jill–there was no way that would have soothed an actual itch. It had all been in Lissa’s head, and Jill had put it there. That was definitely something worth thinking about. Maybe even officially scheming about–not that Jill wanted to do anything bad to her best friend, but maybe it wouldn’t hurt to drop a few hints in her subconscious mind about doing the dishes, or wiping down the shower when she was done. Or maybe–

Lissa broke into her train of thought. “So are you going to sit down, or what?” she asked, glaring impatiently at Jill.

Jill gave a tiny little gulp. Suddenly, she felt a little bit apprehensive about sitting down in that chair. After all, if she could whisper suggestions into Lissa’s ear while her friend was lost in the shimmering lights, then Lissa could do the same thing to her. She looked at Lissa for a moment, trying to discern a suspicious look on Lissa’s face, but it was too dark. Besides, the longer she stood there staring at Lissa, the more her friend was going to suspect something was up. Better to just go ahead and just take a seat.

Besides, Jill thought as she settled into the chair, she knew about it now. That was bound to make a difference. Sure, the lights were pretty. They were even prettier than Jill remembered, the rainbow gleam at the edge of each facet catching her attention and fascinating her even faster than before. But know that she knew that she had to pay attention to Lissa, too, or else Lissa could sneak suggestions into her head, then she’d be able to…to…

She’d forgotten about the way it kept turning. It turned at such a smooth, steady, even pace, never speeding up or slowing down. And every turn revealed another facet. Just when she thought that she’d seen everything there was to see of the sparkling, endless depths of the crystal, the light caught her eyes again and she drank in more and more of that perfect glow. It continually amazed her, the way that each turn of the crystal revealed something new and beautiful, and yet so intimately familiar. Jill’s breath slowed as she tried to focus. She had to focus very intently, she remembered that. She had to focus on…on the light. Because the light was pleasure.

Realizing that felt almost profound. The light was pleasure, pure and undiluted. Other things might cause pleasure, but the light was pleasure. It poured into her eyes and filled her up with bliss. Jill felt her limbs relaxing, but that was just that tiny step before she lost track of them completely because the sheer orgasmic joy of the light swamped everything else. Jill wanted to lose herself in the rapture of gazing at the crystal. She couldn’t imagine not wanting it, not when it just kept turning and turning and she kept cumming and cumming.

The glow took her again and again now, the orgasm a permanent condition as Jill gazed helplessly and came helplessly, and she wondered how much pleasure she was capable of. She wanted to find out. She ached to press her body even further to its limits and feel even more of the bliss of the gem, never stopping, letting the world fade away as she moaned silently inside her own head in utter fucking sexual ecstasy. She never wanted this moment to end.

But it did. It only seemed like seconds before something blocked the light, and Jill’s plaintive sigh echoed Lissa’s as she realized her friend had put her hand in front of the crystal. “I gave you twenty minutes,” Lissa said. She still hadn’t bothered putting on clothes, but given the sweltering heat in the apartment, that wasn’t a huge surprise. “Never let it be said I’m not generous.”

Jill stretched lazily, feeling the glorious, sticky warmth between her thighs. “You’re a lot nicer than I would have been,” she said, reluctantly levering herself out of the chair. She didn’t really want to get out of the direct line of the breeze; the night air wasn’t doing much to cool down the room, and after a few seconds, the sticky warmth felt less “sexy and decadent” and more “warm and sticky”.

Lissa smiled. It took on a saturnine cast in the dim red light from the window. “Oh, I don’t know so much about that,” she said. “I spent that time doing a little thinking. And do you maybe have some sort of guess about what I was thinking about?”

Uh-oh, Jill thought, trying to keep a casual expression on her face. “Hog futures?” she asked hopefully.

“I was thinking about how I suddenly itched so bad when I woke up from my last time in the chair,” Lissa said. “And at first, I was thinking I maybe had some sort of heat rash.” Jill twitched at the word ‘heat’. Just what she needed, another reminder of how Lissa looked delightfully cool without any clothes on and she was sweating straight through her dry-clean only dress.

“But then I remembered that the itch just…vanished. Poof! Not even a trace of it. Isn’t that kind of funny, Jill?” Lissa knew, and Jill knew she knew, but her roomie seemed to be taking a delight in playing the innocent. Just to watch Jill sweat…

Ugh. Just thinking the word ‘sweat’ reminded Jill of how damn hot it was in here. Jill wondered if they had anything to drink in the fridge. “Um, not ha-ha funny, if that’s what you mean,” she said, distracted by thoughts of pouring cool water onto her head and letting it trickle down her body.

“Oh, it’s not?” Lissa said. “Because I kind of got the impression that you thought it was. I mean, not that I really mind. I suppose it was kind of worth a chuckle, looking back. I’m certainly not mad or anything.”

“Oh. Um, good.” Jill felt like she should add something, perhaps try to claim that she had nothing to do with it, but she felt too hot to care right now. She looked around for something to fan herself with, but she didn’t see anything that would work, and it was too hot to go rummaging around for something. She needed to do something to cool off, though. It felt too hot to even think right now. Almost without realizing it, she reached around and unzipped her dress and let it fall to the floor.

“It’s like they say,” Lissa continued, “don’t get mad.” The wave of heat smothering Jill’s body finally broke as she unsnapped her bra and let it drop, joining her dress and panties in the small pile of clothing on the carpet. Jill realized what Lissa must have told her, but she felt too delightfully cool to care. “Get even.”

Now that she was free of the suggestion, the gentle breeze stirred up by the fan made Jill sensually aware of the little droplet of sweat trickling down her breast, leaving a trail of rapidly evaporating condensation behind it. “I don’t know if that was exactly ‘even’,” she said. “I think maybe you wound up a little bit ahead on the deal.” She grinned back at Lissa with her own devilish smile. “But don’t worry. I’m certainly not mad or anything.”

Lissa’s smile vanished, replaced by a look of uncertainty. “Okay, now, fun is fun, but you wouldn’t–I mean, I didn’t do anything that mean. You’re probably a lot comfier now…” She trailed off into nervous silence. “I’m just saying, now that we know about it, and we’ve each had our go at the other…” Jill just held her smile, and Lissa practically squirmed in discomfort. “You can’t, Jill!”

Jill shrugged. She really shouldn’t be enjoying herself this much. Then again, she really shouldn’t be naked right now. “Hey, all you have to do to make sure that I don’t put any funny ideas in your head is just not sit down in the chair. Nobody’s forcing you to.”

But she knew as well as Lissa did that someone was forcing Lissa to sit down in the chair, and that someone was Lissa. Even knowing that Jill might whisper something in her ear while she was vacant and blissed out and lost in rapturous fascination with the shimmering refractions of the crimson light, and that she wouldn’t be able to fight it, Lissa still inched slowly towards the chair as though pulled by an invisible rope.

It surprised Jill how goddamned sexy that was.

Lissa stood next to the chair for almost a full minute, her face a mask of agonized indecision. Finally, she looked over at Jill. “You know if you do anything really nasty, I’ll get you back when it’s your turn.”

Jill smirked, flopping down on the couch. “Who says I’m taking another turn?” she shot back triumphantly.

Lissa rolled her eyes as she sat down. “Oh, puh-lease,” she said, shortly before her brain short-circuited with bliss and she couldn’t say anything at all anymore.

Jill knew exactly what Lissa meant. That was why she really, truly, honestly meant to leave Lissa alone. She’d had her fun, teasing Lissa with all sorts of prospects for sinister brainwashing, and now she could just leave Lissa to stew in her own juices for a little while (as it were) and maybe when Lissa came out of it, Jill would pretend that she’d suggested something and wasn’t telling Lissa what it was. But that was all, really, because Lissa was right. In fifteen minutes, Jill would be leaving her own mind in Lissa’s hands.

But then the clock started ticking. Very, very slowly. Every second seemed to take a minute, and every minute seemed to take an hour, as Jill sat there in the dark, quiet room with only one thing to occupy her attention–her blissfully vacant, naked, helpless roommate. And Jill was getting a little creeped out with herself for staring at that.

She grabbed the remote, but stopped herself before she turned on the TV–the last thing she wanted was to flip past an infomercial and have Lissa wake up insisting she needed a bread-maker. She went and got herself something to drink to replace the fluids she’d lost sweating and…um…wow, she still felt all damp and sticky down there. Her mind might have had something like a billion orgasms, staring at the crystal, but her body was still looking forward to number one.

Two minutes later, and Jill was masturbating on the couch. She felt kind of weird–Lissa was sitting there less than ten feet away, eyes wide open, and Jill was rubbing her clit and moaning like she’d just discovered it for the first time. But it didn’t matter. Lissa was off in the sparkling lights, she’d never know that Jill just couldn’t stop herself from–

Her pussy clenched convulsively around her fingers. Suddenly, she was right back there in the moment, watching Lissa twist and squirm as she tried to scratch her back. It wasn’t because she was naked, or the way her tits jutted and swayed as she wriggled around. Jill had been in a threesome once or twice, but that was more as a favor to her then-boyfriend than anything else. No, Jill knew exactly why she felt her libido go into overdrive at that mental image, and why her clit felt like a tiny pebble under her fingertip.

Lissa couldn’t stop herself, any more than Jill could stop herself when she–nnnnh! Jill remembered that insistent, undeniable compulsion to disrobe, and the way that it seemed to make so much sense at the time, and that pushed her over the edge into an intense orgasm. She clenched her eyes shut and saw rainbow sparkles at the corners of her eyes as she came and came, her first multiple orgasm in years.

The only sucky part was that she was so wound up, it only took her about five minutes to cum. Meaning she was still stuck with–five minutes? Jill let out an explosive sigh. She was going to go seriously, utterly, batshit nuts if she had to sit here another five minutes staring at Lissa while Lissa stared at the crystal. Honestly. It was going to break something in her brain. (If it hadn’t broken already. Jill was uncomfortably aware that she’d been looking right between Lissa’s wide-open thighs while she fucked herself a moment ago. Her sex drive was in freaking overdrive right now, and Jill could tell that at least part of her was too damned horny to care what gender Lissa was.)

She thought about going and putting on some clothes, but the second she did, a wave of heat flushed through her body. Okay, mental note, she thought. Make sure that Lissa fixes that before Monday morning, or I will be the most popular girl in the office.

She looked at the clock again. Still five minutes. If anything, the second hand seemed to be going backwards. She looked back over at Lissa. She was trying to be good, really she was! But it had been so much fun to see her following that suggestion (and so hot, her pussy seemed to whisper.) And she could always undo it later (and the memories would burn themselves into her fantasies…) And she wouldn’t do anything really harmful, just…fun… (And sexy…)

Jill got up and knelt by the chair. She felt a little twinge of guilt, and tried to tell herself that Lissa would only retaliate (but that got her hot too, the thought of following those compulsions every bit as hot as watching someone else do it…) “Lissa,” she said softly. “When you wake up…” She trailed off into silence for a moment, trying to think of something to make her friend do. “When you wake up, you won’t be able to stop touching your breasts. It’ll be like there’s a powerful magnetic attraction, like your hands are stuck to your tits. Even if someone or something moves them away, you’ll find that they go right back there as soon as they’re able.”

Jill tried to ignore the heat between her thighs, but her voice was still a little unsteady as she said, “When I snap my fingers, the attraction will stop and you’ll be able to let go of your tits again.” That wasn’t too weird, was it? Just the sort of thing that a stage hypnotist would do, just a prank on your best friend. Lissa wouldn’t know Jill was…enjoying it.

She spent the last few minutes cleaning herself up a little in the bathroom, washing her hands and rubbing the area between her thighs with a damp washcloth. The living room smelled like sex anyway, but at least this way the hand Jill put in front of Lissa’s face wouldn’t smell quite so obviously like it had just been jammed inside Jill’s cunt. Once she was satisfied with the results, she went back in and snapped Lissa out of it. “Wakey wakey, sleepyhead!” she said cheerfully.

“…why are your fingertips all wrinkled?” Lissa said muzzily as her eyes refocused. “Did you go take a bath, or…” She looked down at herself in stunned dismay as her hands found their way to her breasts, seemingly of their own volition. “Oh, it’s on,” she said, glaring back up at Jill.

Jill couldn’t help herself. She snorted with laughter. “Here, need a hand getting up?” she asked. She took Lissa by the elbow and helped lever her out of the chair. Privately, she was amazed at how well the suggestion took–Lissa held her arm rigid enough that Jill could pull her up by it without breaking the contact between her hand and her breast, but the look on her face told Jill that she was trying as hard as she could to pull free.

“Seriously, Jill, what the fuck?” Lissa asked, her face bright red. Jill couldn’t tell if it was humiliation or anger. “This is so totally not cool.” Jill could actually see the muscles in Lissa’s arm going taut as she tried to fight her own subconscious and failed. That alone practically undid all the work Jill had done with the washcloth.

“Oh, come on,” Jill said, “it’s not that mean. It’s not like you’re actually stuck that way or anything. I can undo it any time I want to.”

“It’s not that it’s mean, it’s that it’s–” Lissa squirmed a little, her face a mask of discomfort. “Weird,” she finally said. “I mean, we’re friends, and I never thought you…I mean, I never thought you thought. You know?” she finished awkwardly.

Jill blushed beet red. She hoped that it would look like she was upset at the implication, and not because she felt like suddenly she’d been caught with a guilty secret. Because no, girls in general didn’t do anything for her. But girls playing with their own titties because of some kind of weird post-hypnotic suggestion? This girl in particular right in front of her, the one with her hands glued to her breasts because of nothing more than Jill’s words whispered into her ear when she couldn’t think about anything but endless fathoms of red light? Um, yeah. That was doing a whole lot for her. “It’s not any weirder than the clothes thing,” Jill said defensively.

“Um, no, it’s a lot weirder,” Lissa replied. “Telling me to stand here and pinch my nipples until you tell me to stop? That’s pretty freaking weird, Jill. I mean, not that there’s anything wrong with you, you know…liking that sort of thing. In general. But it’s kind of fucked up to be inflicting it on me.”

Jill looked down at Lissa’s breasts, for the first time noticing exactly what her friend’s fingers were doing. “Um, Lissa?” she said, wrenching her gaze back up to meet Lissa’s. “I didn’t…I didn’t actually tell you to play with your nipples. I just told you that your hands would be stuck to your tits.”

Lissa looked down at her breasts again, her blush spreading all over her body now. Jill looked too, noticing the way that Lissa’s fingers never actually stopped tweaking and rubbing her nips. After a moment, she realized that she was still looking, and jerked her eyes up to meet Lissa’s. “New rule!” Lissa said brightly. “No more discussions about whether or not any of this is weird.”

“Uh-huh,” Jill said, all too aware that her voice was about an octave higher than it should be.

“Wanna take your turn in the chair?” Lissa asked.

“Uh-huh,” Jill replied, walking over to the chair in a half-daze. Her mind was a whirl; she wasn’t even sure what to think about first, and she probably wouldn’t know what to feel about any of it once she thought about it. It was all just too much to process. She needed to sit down, let the crystal blank out her brain in mindless fascination, and worry about all of it once she finally woke up. Maybe then she could–

“Ahem,” Lissa said, nodding meaningfully down towards her chest.

“Oh. Right,” Jill said sheepishly, snapping her fingers. Lissa let go of her tits, although Jill thought she imagined a tiny bit of reluctance there.

For a moment, as Jill sat down, she felt a spasm of fear; what if she couldn’t stop thinking about all this? The light had been pretty fascinating so far, but it was really nothing but a cheap piece of glass they picked up at a Renaissance Festival, shining through a flickering light as it turned in the breeze. What if that wasn’t enough to blank out her brain when it felt like it was galloping a mile a minute, trying to decide if her feelings for Lissa had changed, or if Lissa’s feelings for her had changed, or if red, rainbow-cornered red and it was so fucking beautiful. How could she possibly have forgotten how perfect it looked? How could she not have remembered the way that the light flickered and strobed as it played through the crystal?

Jill wanted to weep with joy. Every slow, gentle rotation of the crystal was like a new revelation, an almost religious experience with every new facet exposed to her gaze. Just when she thought she understood everything there was to know about its wonders, it turned again, and she saw it as though for the first time. She knew that she must have seen this face of the crystal before, but each individual facet was just so fascinating that it blotted all the others out of her mind, so when those rainbow prisms heralded a new one, she experienced it anew all over again.

And the bliss. How could she have forgotten those endless depths of pleasure, spilling into her mind through her eyes and making her burn with hot, sexy…ohhh, and it turned again, and each turn of the crystal was like a new orgasm unfolding inside her mind. Each facet of the gem was a plateau of bliss, but the edges, the dazzling refractions of light on display in every single one of those moments…unnnnnh, it turned again and Jill forgot even how to describe the bliss to herself. She was utterly lost in the pleasure now, her body forgotten, all her thoughts forgotten except for the one thought, and that thought was pleasure. That thought was orgasm given shape. She drifted in it as time itself became meaningless.

And then time returned to her, and so did thought and meaning as Lissa’s hand blocked out the crystal. “Um,” she said, all her previous confusion crashing in on her at once as the influence of the red light faded away. Lucky for her, Lissa wasn’t expecting too much from her in the way of conversation just yet. “I, um…I guess it’s your turn, now,” she said. She got up out of the chair, but she only managed to make it a step or two before her wobbly legs buckled out from under her and she fell to her knees.

“Are you okay?” Lissa asked, darting over to her side.

“Yeah, fine,” Jill said, looking up at her. “I felt a little dizzy, that’s all. I’m probably dehydrated or something. I’ll be okay in a minute.” Actually, the wave of dizziness seemed to have already passed, but Jill didn’t feel particularly inclined to move yet.

“You should get some more water into you,” Lissa said. “I know you had a glass one of the times I was out, but you probably lost more than that just from peeing earlier.” She sounded concerned. In fact, Jill thought, she sounded a little too concerned. It was the kind of thing that nobody but a very close friend would notice, someone who’d heard her on the phone with her mom using that same voice and then listened to the rant afterwards. It would fool a co-worker, a boss, a parent, and Jill had been there when it did. But it didn’t fool her.

“Don’t suppose you could get me some, could you?” Jill asked, her eyes wide as though she didn’t suspect a thing. “Only my legs are still a little shaky.”

“Oh, I’m sure you’ll be fine,” Lissa replied. Jill noticed that she couldn’t quite keep the smirk off her face. “Just go ahead and try to stand up.”

Jill managed to lever herself up a few inches off the floor, but then the strength seemed to go out of her legs again and she collapsed back to her knees. “I, um…can’t,” she whimpered. That was when she knew Lissa must have done something, because it didn’t feel scary to her that her legs weren’t working anymore. It felt natural to be down on her knees like this, even kind of sexy. (Alright, incredibly sexy. But everything about this felt incredibly sexy. She hoped Lissa thought that was an “Oh, no, whatever shall I do now?” whimper, not an “Oh God, do I want to finger myself right now!” whimper.)

“Oh,” Lissa said, her pretense of concern slipping more with every passing second. “Well, just go ahead and try to crawl, then. Maybe you’ll be able to manage that a little better than standing.”

Jill nodded grimly. “You realize, of course,” she said as she crawled over to the couch and retrieved her glass, “that this means war.” Holding the glass, she stretched as upright as she could and walked on her knees over to the fridge.

Lissa followed her into the kitchen, watching her from the doorway with a smug grin on her face. “Sorry,” she said. “I couldn’t hear you from up here.”

Jill filled her glass and took a long drink of water, busily plotting revenge. The problem was, all her revenge ideas seemed to start with the phrase, ‘After I masturbate…’ Who knew that irresistible compulsions could be so fucking hot? She almost wished she could get Lissa to do something even kinkier to her mind.

And then it hit her. She could. Her nipples hardened into tiny buds at the thought, and the heat in her pussy went practically nuclear. Just the thought of teasing Lissa’s docile mind until she needed to do sexual things to Jill, until she stopped being able to pretend this was just a cute little game and started really pushing all of Jill’s hot buttons…oh, god, she had to do it. Absolutely had to. The second she thought of it, it was an irresistible compulsion in her mind. She’d do it as soon as she masturbated, and she’d masturbate as soon as Lissa sat in the chair.

Which, it struck her, Lissa wasn’t doing. “Skipping your turn?” she asked, finishing the glass and reaching up to set it on the counter. “Because I’ll gladly take another.” She started knee-walking towards the chair as fast as she could.

“Oh, no you don’t!” Lissa said, spreading her legs apart to block the doorway with her body as Jill approached. “It’s still my turn, and…” She trailed off, suddenly aware of the way her pose left her pussy gaping wide open to Jill’s gaze…and of the fact that Jill was on her knees, at almost exactly waist height.

Jill was aware of it too. In fact, it seemed to be nearly all she could notice; she couldn’t stand up, and Lissa’s pussy was right there in front of her, glistening with musk. Jill could smell it. She could smell how turned on her best friend was right now, and the smell got stronger with every passing second, and Jill wasn’t sure if that was because Lissa was getting more and more turned on or if it was because Jill couldn’t help leaning in a little closer, and then a little closer yet…

Lissa straightened up abruptly and took a step back, her cheeks flushed bright red. Jill couldn’t tell if it was from embarrassment or excitement, and she suspected neither could Lissa. “Right, my turn,” she said, her voice barely a squeak as she headed over to the chair.

Jill crawled after her. “Hey,” she said, “aren’t you forgetting something?” She crawled up next to Lissa and put her chin on the armrest as Lissa sat down. “Fair’s fair, I undid yours!”

“You said this was war,” Lissa replied, just before turning her head to face the crystal. “And all’s fair in love and war…” Then her voice trailed off, and she was gone. Jill thought for a moment about bringing her back long enough to make her undo the suggestions, but the urge to finger-fuck herself was just too strong.

Her cunt was so slick and wet that it felt like warm butter. Her lips parted easily for her searching fingers, and all Jill could think about was how it felt to stare at Lissa’s pussy. She went back to the moment, turning memory into fantasy with ease as her thumb found her clit. In the fantasy, she tried to stand, and it was so fucking good when Lissa’s suggestions took hold of her mind and made her fail. She imagined herself sinking right back down to perfect licking height, imagined Lissa shivering with lust as she watched it all happen, imagined Lissa pulling her close and grinding against Jill’s face…Jill grunted hard as she came.

Afterwards, she thought long and hard about what exactly she wanted to tell Lissa. It was tricky, because every time she thought about it, she felt another rush of sticky heat between her thighs, and that made her masturbate again because she never had managed to pull her hand away from her pussy, but she eventually got it out. “Lissa, when you wake up, you won’t feel any more embarrassment or hesitation about what we’re doing. This is nothing more than a little fun between two old friends, and you’re enjoying it so much and it gets you so turned on that you’re going to find yourself wanting to make the suggestions more sexual. You know I won’t mind. It’ll be our little secret, Lissa, something we only do and only talk about here inside this apartment, but it’s so sexy and so hot that you won’t want to stop.”

Jill’s pussy spasmed around her fingers again, and she shivered. “And…and when you wake up, you won’t mind at all watching me do sexual things. You won’t mind doing sexual things in front of me. In–ohhh…in fact, you’re going to play with yourself as soon as you wake up. You’re already so horny, and you’ll need to go get your toys and release all that heat that’s been building, oh, oh yes…” Jill couldn’t decide which turned her on more, telling Lissa what to do or following commands herself. She was glad she didn’t have to choose.

“And, and you won’t mind that I’m watching, you’ll love it, you’ll want to tell me to do things when I sit in the chair and even thinking about that turns you on, you love commanding me when I’m in the chair and you love being commanded when you’re in the chair,” Jill whimpered, clenching her legs tightly around her hand. She needed to stop soon, she realized. She was rambling, and she’d lost track of how long she’d been jilling off while programming her best friend–

Her eyes rolled back in her head as she came again at the thought.

Finally, though, she managed to pull out of the cycle of arousal and release long enough to put her hand up in front of Lissa’s face. Lissa blinked once, twice, then stirred in the chair and looked around. “How long was I…wow.” She visibly shivered with arousal at the sight of Jill, still on her knees, hand still between her thighs, hair plastered to her body with sweat. “Oh, god, Jill, you look…” She darted out of the room.

For a moment, Jill felt a chill of worry in the pit of her stomach. Had she gone too far? Was that too much for her friend to take in, even with the crystal blanking out her conscious mind? Had she accidentally broken Lissa’s brain or something? But then Lissa came back in, holding two vibrators in one hand and a tube of K-Y in the other, and all Jill’s worries melted away into sensual heat.

“Oh, God, Jill, you look so fucking hot…” Lissa flung herself onto the couch and spread her legs wide. They’d need to have all the furniture steam-cleaned after this. She set one vibrator down next to her and started to lube the other one up, working her hand up and down the plastic shaft as she watched Jill with wide, lust-glazed eyes. “I just, I need to, oh fuck…” With a groan of need, she slid the dildo into her pussy as deep as it would go.

Jill stumbled her way closer, wanting to see everything. She heard the muffled buzz as Lissa turned the vibrator on, and shivered as Lissa’s head fell back against the cushions and her eyes rolled up in her head. Lissa’s eyes might be closed, but Jill knew Lissa was still seeing her.

“Gnnnh, guhh, ohhhgodddd,” Lissa moaned out, barely managing to keep her voice low enough to stop the neighbors from complaining. Jill watched every quiver of her thighs and every shudder of her body from mere inches away, trying to burn it all into her brain. Her friend was fucking herself at her command, and it was so fucking hot.

“M-m-more,” Lissa gasped out, shifting position slightly so that her ass was as exposed as her pussy. “Please, Jill, please more please…” She fumbled around for the other vibrator, but it had rolled into the crack between the couch cushions and Jill could tell she was too distracted by her pussy to really look for it properly. And Jill definitely didn’t want Lissa to stop paying attention to her pussy. She reached over and grabbed both the vibrator and the lube, quickly applying one to the other.

“You want this?” she said playfully, touching the cool plastic against Lissa’s asshole. “Because if you’re not sure, I won’t–” Lissa’s only response was to groan in arousal and reach down to shove the second dildo into her ass. Jill smiled, and turned it on all the way to maximum.

Then Lissa’s moans increased to frantic intensity. Her hips bucked up and down against the couch cushions, and her breathing turned into panting, then gasping as she came. “There you go,” Jill whispered as Lissa arched her back in beautiful, erotic pleasure. “There you go, let it all out, that’s right.” She felt her own pussy shudder around her fingers, cumming almost without meaning to as she watched her best friend give in completely to ecstasy.

Finally, Lissa sagged back down onto the couch. She gingerly removed the vibrators, and half-opened her eyes to look over at Jill. “Your turn,” she whispered. “For the chair, I mean. Not for…” She gestured to her own body, a lazy smile on her face.

Jill’s mouth watered at the implication, but she knew that whatever they did next would be even better after another session in the chair. When she was in the chair, Lissa would mold her mind, and that would make the sex so much better. So much hotter. Jill crawled over to the chair, deliciously aware that even her inability to rise to her feet was part of the game.

She was still able to crawl into the chair and sit down, though, and the red light found its way into her brain easily as soon as she stared into it. Her mind was racing with anticipation of the next stage of the game, the next command, but the light blazed through her eyes and straight down into the part of her brain where all the pleasure came from, obliterating all thought. Anticipation faded away in the timeless pleasure of the rainbowed edges of the gem. Jill lost herself to it willingly, eagerly. She gloried in her mindlessness. She reveled in her blankness.

Everything was warm, red bliss now. It was like being at the bottom of an ocean of endless pleasure, looking up and seeing nothing but fathoms of ecstasy, looking around and seeing nothing but leagues of orgasmic pleasure. Somewhere beyond it all, Lissa was programming her, but Jill didn’t care. If she had cared, it would only be to ache for more of it, but the crystal swamped it all out.

She surrendered completely. The act of surrender was itself bliss now, as though the pleasure of going blank was itself an act of pleasure, distinct from the ecstasy she felt once her mind had given in but also enjoyable. Jill let all her cares fall away and stared emptily into the gem, letting the moment stretch out into an eternity.

And then she saw Lissa’s hand, a shadow in front of her face, and she knew instantly what she needed to do. The desire transcended words. It transcended thought. She climbed out of the chair and embraced Lissa with a desire that almost frightened her with its potency. But then she felt her warm flesh press against Lissa’s body and all the fear was gone, leaving only desire.

She kissed her way down Lissa’s throat, her chest, her belly, lavishing attention on each of these in turn but unable to stop herself from moving past any of them. Only one thing consumed her mind now, one thought and one need that she could not resist. She had to eat Lissa’s pussy. She absolutely had to.

It felt like forever before she finally worked her way down to the soft crease between Lissa’s thighs; but when her lips finally caressed Lissa’s folds, she knew it had been worth the wait. Her tongue darted out, licking away salty fluid again and again as she ran it over Lissa’s gorgeous pussy. She was dimly aware of the way Lissa grunted, whimpered, bucked and shuddered, and those things were beautiful, but Lissa’s pussy was more beautiful yet.

She felt Lissa’s hands on her body as she licked, guiding her around so that she could settle her own aching, needy cunt onto Lissa’s face. She felt as much as heard herself moaning into Lissa’s pussy, turning the pleasure of Lissa’s soft tongue into whimpers and grunts of bliss that drove Lissa to even greater heights of ecstasy as they stimulated her clit with their vibrations. It felt like they had joined, perfectly united in orgasm after orgasm.

Lissa seemed to know exactly what Jill wanted. She found all of Jill’s erogenous zones, first one after the other and then as many as she could stimulate at once, all of them taking Jill to new heights of bliss. And Jill, in turn, felt like she knew exactly how to make Lissa cum harder than the other girl had ever imagined. It occurred to her that Lissa might have put the knowledge into her mind while she stared at the sparkling gem, but that just made her hotter yet.

They were both going to be sore in the morning, but Jill didn’t care. They had a whole weekend to recover, and this was the best sex she’d ever had. She licked again and again, spiking her tongue as deeply as she could into Lissa’s cunt, feeling Lissa do the same to her. She lost count of how many orgasms they had before exhaustion finally made them break the sixty-nine.

“Y-your turn,” Jill said unsteadily, pointing to the chair. Lissa nodded absently. It took her almost a minute to get up off the floor and flop down in front of the crystal. Jill knew that this would be their last session for the night; she could barely keep her eyes open now, and she didn’t want to fall asleep and leave Lissa helpless to break the connection. But there was something she had to do, still.

“You love me,” she whispered to Lissa as the other girl stared blankly at the crystal. “You love me passionately, madly, with all our friendship intensified into romance. There’s nothing wrong with that. There’s nothing wrong with the fact that we’re both girls. It’s all just fine, just another step in our relationship. We’re such good friends, and making love to me is so hot. It all makes perfect sense to you.” Jill wondered idly as she talked whether she came up with this idea on her own, or whether Lissa had programmed her to program Lissa. And if she had, had she done it because Jill had programmed her to?

It didn’t matter, not anymore. It still felt just as real. Jill whispered into Lissa’s ear until it was time to break her out of the spell one last time. Then, too tired even to make it to the bedroom, they lay down on the floor and fell asleep in each other’s arms.



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