Seducer or Seducee

I was Acting Head Copy Chief in a big ad agency. Acting, because I was not a full time employee, but a freelancer, as they call self-employed contractors in the ad business. Things were booming and the agency was stretched. With the typical lack of loyalty and ‘sell yourself to the highest bidder’ attitude of that crazy business, job jumping was rife and good employees were on a merry-go-round of moving from agency to agency. Hence the agency’s need for an ‘Acting Head

Amber at the Office

My alarm.

I slapped the thing, sent it flying. Later, I’d be amazed the thing still worked. I hate alarm clocks.

I sat up on the side of my bed and adjusted my nightie. One of my nipples was peeking out. Five years ago, I’d have played with it, teased it for its indiscretion. Hell, five years ago, I probably wouldn’t have worn the nightie. And I still would have played with it.

There was something luxurious about satin sheets and my naked skin, but in the last few years

Cheating Hearts

“The fuckwad!”

Mollie stood beside the answering machine, her whole body trembling and her eyes burning as she struggled to keep her tears from spilling over her hot cheeks. She clenched her hands into fists and dug her manicured fingernails into her palm until pain shot through her. The sensation did not relieve any of the anger flooding through her body.

“The dick head!” she growled. How could he do this on Valentine’s Day? Of all days to blow her off, he had to

For You

Maneuvering through traffic after what had to be the longest day of her year, Linda was at last on her way home. The thirty seven year old brunette headed up the accounting department of a multi-national manufacturing firm and this was the dreaded fiscal year end. Linda enjoyed her job most of the time; however, the frantic pace of this week was enough to get to anybody.

Late leaving the office Linda thought things were beginning to look up, tonight was Friday and with the holiday on Monday,

Lisette’s Summer Holidays Ch. 02

I showered in a trance, my mind buzzing with all that had happened. I was drying my hair when Maria came into my room.

“Have you been terribly bored?” she asked.

“No…um…not at all,” I replied. “I had a bath and a nap.”

“Well we have a few hours before the party…tennis? Swimming?”

“Not tennis…I haven’t the energy,” I said.

“OK, I’ll see you at the pool,” she said cheerfully.

We spent the rest of the afternoon sunbathing and swimming. I was lost in thought and Maria kept asking me where my mind

Prison Playtoy

“Missy… wake up!”

“Who… what is it?”

“It’s me, Officer McDonald. Come on, sweetie, wake up!”

“What time is it?”

“Shhhh! It’s just after three in the morning. Come on, get up.”


“Keep your voice down. I don’t want to wake up the whole cell block. Get up and let’s go.”

“Let’s go? Let’s go where?”

“I’m taking you to the linen closet.

Chocolate Decadence

We both slept soundly after your taking of me, wrapped in each other’s arms… your head curled into my chest. I could barely move after erupting as I did for you, so you had just climbed up next to me, pleased by the effect you had on me.

The following morning, I woke to you looking up at me. I smiled wearily, and you stroked my side soothingly. We talked nothings for a bit. At some point, I looked down at you and your eyes locked with mine.

“What is it?” I murmured.


Battered Bonds of Love

The alarm clock’s music filled the room at 4am and Liz reached over to shut it off. She was tired. As the years passed she grew more and more tired. She was 52 years old, a little heavier, a little softer, a little more mellow…and yes, a little more tired. She stood, tugging at the sheets and quilt as she made the bed. She would strip them this weekend and do the laundry. Same as every Saturday.

She glanced around the darkened room, admiring the mahogany chest and dresser with the

And So What’s This?

Lisa and I were in my bedroom trying to pick an outfit for me to wear at the firm’s annual dinner. Dressing up is not something I’m very good at.

‘And so what’s this?’

She was holding up the large black strap-on dildo that I’d forgotten was in the drawer I kept my scarves in when I asked her to get my green silk one out for me. My face promptly went bright red.

‘Exactly what it looks like.’ I answered, trying to sound blasé.

‘So exactly what

Laura & Jill

My name is Jill. This story is about how my best friend Laura and I first discovered the joy that two loving females could give to each other.

All through our years at University I had initially admired Laura for her poise and strength and I had a crush on her that I would barely admit to myself, unwilling to admit that I may have lesbian tendencies. One time in our final year it came to a head.

The scene was with Laura at my house one summer evening helping me to cram for our upcoming final